Erika Dagnino



                  Clusone Jazz Festival  2011, Italy


a beautiful, strong and clear voice  

Peter Brötzmann


densely poetic vocality  

Battiti Rai.Radiotre


an intense jazz poet

The New York City Jazz Record


wonderful performer 

All About Jazz


warm voice, clear diction and thoughtful words

Downtown Music Gallery


nothing so good, so exciting, since Meredith Monk in

 the 70s and 80s



grand sensibility  

Levure Littéraire

a very talented poet

Bob Heman, poet, artist, editor

  of CLWN WR (formerly Clown War) since 1972,

New York 2012


her performances are exciting, imaginative,

 and breathtaking,

a stunning mixture of freedom and discipline

Sanford Fraser, poet laureate,

Boston/New York 2012


the beautiful music of her poetry

Gordon Gilbert, poet, songwriter, member 

of the Activist Poets Roundtable

New York 2012  


hypnotic, interesting, dynamic poetry

Cindy Hochman, poet, writer, editor-in-chief

of First Literary Review-East, New York 2012  


she has created a sense of the poetic form

beyond words

Su Polo, poet, songwriter, founder and curator

of Saturn Poetry Series, New York 2013


Her work attracts me purely as sound, but also for the intensity of its imagery with surprising juxtapositions of matter and feelings, mysterious ambiguities, and its evocation of the “raw aroma” of nature.

Chris Brown, California, 2021

Downtown Music Gallery, New York  2012

with B. Siwula and K. Filiano,   photo by Barbara Siwula


Lugano, Poestate 2015
Switzerland, photo by E. Steinegger

La voce e i versi della Dagnino sono parte essenziale

di un ardente e radicale percorso di improvvisazione.

The voice and the verses of  Dagnino are

 an essential part of an ardent and radical path

of improvisation.
Marco Buttafuoco, L'UNITA', ottobre 2012


Le sue poesie, i suoi dischi di parole e suoni, i suoi reading, sollecitano

 un’ immersione a 360 gradi nell’arte senza confini.
Her poems, her cds of words and sounds, and her readings stimulate a 360 
degree immersion in the art with no borders.
Gaetano Menna, Altrescene, Marzo 2013


Il dettato della Dagnino trasborda continuamente alla ricerca di legami, di metamorfosi,

di seminagioni originali e proteiformi, assolutamente ribelli ad ogni costrizione,

ad ogni fissazione, ad ogni sintassi. 

The wording of  Dagnino tranships always looking for links, metamorphosis,

absolutely rebellious to each constraint to each setting, to each syntax.

Giuliano Ladolfi, Atelierpoesia, 2010 


Versi di progressiva implosione interiore, di ricercato inaridimento

Verses of  progressive implosion interior, sophisticated drying up ...

 Stefano Bigazzi, La Repubblica , Genova 2008


Flusso di sensazioni alla ricerca disperata  di un “io” consistente

Flow of sensations desperately seeking a consistent "I"

 Guido Festinese, Alias, Il Manifesto 2007  


Un senso musicale forte

A strong musical sense

Luca Bandirali,, 2007  


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